5 Things Halting your Progress



I don’t know one single person who doesn’t want to see progress… to either get stronger, have more muscle tone or an improved body composition. And for the record, let me start by saying that “progress” can be defined in multiple ways, from fat loss, improved energy, more stamina to better quality of sleep.

Progress can be visible or simply something that’s felt inside.

Regardless what progress means to you, we can all agree.

We want it!

We want improvement, we want change, we want to see and feel that our efforts are making a difference and worth our time, energy and patience.

But what happens when that “progress” is halted?



Going nowhere?

I’ve had convos with so many who claim they’re doing it all “by the book”, diligent in training, “watching” what they eat (whatever that means) and still, no progress.

How can it be?

Here are my Top 5 Reasons you may not being seeing the results you’re looking for.

Take an honest look at your current situation and see where your culprit might be.

  1. BLT: Bites, Licks, Tastes… the life of the grazer! This is when you mindlessly grab a bite here and there without much thought. Typically, this food habit is done (often standing) while doing something else, like scrolling social media, watching Netflix or even cooking dinner. These “extras” go by unnoticed but can add up to a complete meal quite quickly. Are you a grazer? Is this the culprit adding more food consumption in your day even though you’re not necessarily hungry? Are you sitting down and eating your meals mindfully?

  2. Weekend Carte Blanche: Behold the weekend where our routine shifts across a 2-day span, from brunches, restos, kid’s activities to family events! The structure of your Monday to Friday work week is completely off kilter and so are your eating habits. Add to this, highly restrictive dieting in the week and your weekends become a “free for all-all you can eat buffet”. Then Monday rolls around and you’re back to egg whites and asparagus. Thing is, what you consume from Friday night to Sunday all counts. Maybe you wouldn’t have to splurge so much on Saturday if you would allow some of your favourite foods in moderation during the week. Your progress is halted when you always have to get “back on track” on Monday. Maybe your “track” is too narrow and restricted, whereby you overindulge on the weekend… food for thought!

  3. Random Workouts: YouTube, IG, Facebook…. all deliver an abundance of free workouts. And this is a good thing… accessible training for all whether you’re a gym-goer or prefer home workouts! But when you hop from one workout to another…and then another, you are halting your progress. Yes, you’re moving. Yes, you’re exercising. No, that’s not a bad thing. But if you have a specific goal in mind, you need a plan, a road map or a guide. If you constantly change up workouts, you’ll never be able to track your progress and see how your weight selection increased, your reps improved or your ROM increased. Stop hopping from one workout to another…. stick with a game plan and consistently plug away. You’ll see your progress climb week after week!

  4. Intensity: I train at the gym most days of the week. I do my thing and mind my business. But it always baffles me to see so many women who lift super light weights, staying within the familiar confines of their comfort zone. Now I’m not saying you need to be a “beast” nor do I believe the “no pain no gain” chants of gym-goers. But you do need to train with a certain level of intensity which isn’t very comfortable, pleasant or fun. Stimulating muscles requires microscopic tears to your muscle fibres. In order for that to happen, discomfort is part of the process. Such is life! Are you pushing hard enough in your workouts or just going through the motions mindlessly?

  5. S&S: Stress and Sleep. I looped these two together simply because they often travel alongside each other. When we’re chronically stressed, our sleep often suffers. Likewise, even one bad night’s sleep can make us less resilient and more stressed the following day. These 2 culprits wreak havoc on our hormones, throwing off balance Leptin and Ghrelin (our hunger hormones) as well as Cortisol. Lack of quality sleep can hinder optimal performance in the gym. Likewise, our body will seek more energy which often means looking for a sugary “hit” to jolt our energy back up. Both our food decisions and our gym performance are not optimal and often compromised which sets our progress to a complete halt. Stress management and sleep hygiene are non-negotiables pieces of the puzzle when it comes to seeing progress!

Final Thoughts:

Progress is what most people desire when starting a new fitness program or healthy eating plan. Ultimately, it means we’re inching our way closer to our goal and our efforts have paid off.

The sweet spot of success!

But if your progress has come to a stop and you’re not quite sure why, maybe one of the reasons above can help steer you back on your road to success.

Take an honest look at your habits and see how even one small change can tip the scales where you see progress once again!

Which culprit is your challenge to conquer?

Let me know…I’d love to hear from you!


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