Why Every Coach Needs a Coach!

I’ve lived 30 years as a fitpro and I can’t believe I’m still around!

Starting out in the mid-90’s into the step-crazed world of fitness, I never would’ve imagined I’d still be here…teaching, coaching, creating and connecting with people through fitness.

Over two decades wrapped in mistakes and wins and everything in between.

Living through seasons where my motivation lacked, my energy slumped and I questioned my “why” many times over.

Such is the life a of a fitpro!

On the outside, we may seem positive, with soaring energy and inspiring motivation.

But on the inside?

A different inner-narrative sometimes exists… even just temporarily.

Life gets busy, our bodies get tired and our mojo can go MIA.

If you’ve been in the fitbiz long enough, you feel me.

You know those days when…

You have to show up for a class that you’re seriously not in the mood to teach.

You wake up in the wee hours of the darkest morning to train your 6am client.

You try to create a program or learn choreography when your inspiration has disappeared.

I’ve experienced it all at some point or another. But there is ONE THING that has ALWAYS helped me though.


Spoiler Alert….even the best and most seasoned coaches out there can benefit from working with a coach.

Here’s why I do and why I love it!

1. I don’t have to think:

As a coach myself, whether I’m training my PT client or teaching a group fitness class, I am always in “think mode”. I’m checking form, counting reps, giving corrective cues, motivating, entertaining…. thinking!


But when I’m coached by another? Freedom! I think of no one but me, my form, my ROM, my muscles, my training. And it feels fabulous! When was the last time you allowed yourself to be coached by another and think of nada but you? I assure you, it’s both liberating and feels like a treat!

2. I crawl out of my comfort zone:

Guilty. I have a comfort zone. We all do and we love it. Ask me to do a squat, I’m in. A deadlift? I’m down. A chin-up? Yes please!

Pull-ups… hmm. Not so fast.

I hate them. They're tough and I currently suck at them. But I love the benefits they bring. So my coach is the one who will push me to perform the pull-ups I’d otherwise forego. What’s your favorite go-to exercise? What’s the one you’d rather skip? A coach will have you crawl out of your comfort zone into the sweet spot of training. That space where form, function and fitness collide to make you a better, more authentic, “walk- the-talk” fitpro!

3. I learn new skills:

Fitness is an on-going lifelong pursuit… there is no final destination. No moment of “I have arrived”. And though I have an extensive repertoire of exercises, protocols and programs after so many years, it’s refreshing to know that there are always new skills I can learn, new ways of training and different modalities that can challenge my body and my mind! A coach can reveal yet new ways to keep you excited about training again. New skills means renewed motivation to learn!

4. I prioritize my tool of trade… my body!

My body is the instrument I use daily to help others achieve their goals in health and fitness. Without it, I can’t fulfill my purpose in coaching, leading and inspiring others on their path to wellness. And because of that, I need to keep it well-tuned. A coach helps me target my weaknesses and my muscle imbalances. Making myself a priority isn’t selfish in the least. It’s, in fact a valuable way I can continue to give my clients and participants my very best after so many years. Injury, burnout, wear and tear…these are the woes of the fitpro who puts their own personal fitness and health on the backburner. Don’t do it. Don’t fall into the habit of leaving your fitness, your body and and mind last on that to-do list.

Carve some time for YOU… and get a coach who will help you maintain your fitness for the long haul.

Final Thoughts:

As a coach myself, I love to coach others, even fitpros who need a little nudge. I know and live the benefits of having one myself. My longevity, passion and drive to continue to plough forward in this amazing industry are reasons why I believe every coach needs a coach!




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