If women were taught…

If women were taught the impact of ageing with the decline of estrogen on their muscle mass and strength, the fear of getting “too bulky” would die fast and hard.

Our mission would change from ‘sculpted & toned’ to ‘strong  AF’.

After age 30, both men and women lose 8% of lean muscle mass each decade. And yeah, 30 is young and 8% seems like nada.

Until you hit 50… and suddenly wonder how you’ve gained weight (cuz you eat the same way ) and you can’t seem to do the things you used to with the same energy and vitality.

Listen up..

Estrogen is anabolic… it helps us to build muscle through strong muscle contractions of both power and strength. The very things we lose as we age.

Without it (which is the natural decline in the menopausal season) building muscle is harder to do.

Yet “skeletal muscle is the organ of longevity” according to Dr. Gabriel Lyon

Our solution?


Work on getting stronger to create the stimulus for your satellite cells to build and maintain muscle strength.

A yoga class, or bootcamp circuit will not take you there.

These activities are great for stress reduction or as fun forms of movement and social connection.

But exclusively doing ONLY yoga or barre or circuits will NOT stimulate your muscle tissue growth. Sorry if you’ve been mislead.

So much ‘menopause marketing’ exists now more than ever.. plugging supplements from supplements, hormone ‘resets’ to underwear’.

In fact, it’s a 600$ billion market.

Don’t be fooled.

Do the thing that can absolutely have the biggest impact on your health, body composition and yes, your hormones too… LIFT.

Hit compound exercises like…

The squat.
The deadlift.
The bench press.
The back row.
The push up.

Because there is a massive difference between ‘anti aging’ &
‘aging well’.

I choose to the latter.

Be smart.
Train smart.
The best version of you is lifting a heavy barbell…because YOU can!

PS. Yes, every women’s experience is unique. And if HRT is needed to offset debilitating symptoms of course, that’s perfectly OK.

But you still gotta lift 🏋️

Coach Lisa 💪

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