Comfort Culture

I’ve seen it time and time again.

I’ve experienced it myself firsthand.


Doing that extra rep.

Going that extra mile.

Squeezing in one more set.

Giving even just 1% more.


Our culture is addicted to comfort.

A life of temperature control, light control, food control.

We chase comfort covered in a blanket of mediocrity. 

Because, well it’s cozy. We like cozy. I like cozy.

But I’m reminded of what David Goggin’s (Navy Seal and ultra-marathoner) calls the 40% Rule.

“When your mind is telling you you're done, you're really only 40 percent done”.

The mind or our brain’s wiring network is set to keep us ‘safe’ and out of potential danger. Anytime we experience discomfort on a physical level, our mind will always hold us back. 

Yet, according to Groggins, we potentially have 40% more to give.

At 60% we think we’ve maxed out and reached our full potential… but alas there’s more in the tank.

That’s a hard pill to swallow especially in our comfort culture of fast, easy and now.

Ultimately, discomfort leads to growth, mental resilience, fortitude and self-efficacy.

But these are earned. Not owed to us.

Each one purchased through some level of discomfort and dare I say, some pain?

I don’t know about you, but chasing that isn’t usually my goal.

My preference is to stay comfortable, safe and familiar.

Yet, chasing hard has slowly become part of my narrative as I uncover potential I didn’t know was there. Even now at 54.

Reaching beyond the “last rep” and growing stronger in body and mind.

Because the “one more” compounds over time with a ROI that breeds success especially when things get tough.

Coach Lisa





If women were taught…