
February has arrived…

The month where people typically lose their mojo after January’s “fresh start” feels.

The time of year where fitness goals fall off the wayside.

The “shortest” month that can feel the longest sometimes.

I've seen it time and time again over the past 3 decades in the fitness industry.

The typical scene….

A jam-packed gym in January followed by a feeble February.

It's cold. It's winter. The holidays are long gone. And so we wait for spring.

And wait.

And wait.

And let's face it, for Canadians like me, hitting the gym when it's freezing cold outside is hard.

Driving in messy winter conditions to the gym can be hard.

Heading down to my basement gym when it’s so dark outside can be hard.

Staying committed and consistent to my fitness goals is … well, hard.

Am I right?

And it can be tough to squeeze in workouts when life's demands get in the way. Meetings. Deadlines. Kids. Traffic. LIFE.




But on the flipside….

Not being able to carry a laundry basket upstairs without being winded?


Having trouble tying shoelaces or bending down to pick something up?


Having a daily energy crash every afternoon?


Not getting good sound sleep?


What's my point?

Both worlds have their challenges.

Both realms present difficulties and obstacles.

And both realities are wrapped in discomfort in one way or another.

Yes, exercise and movement should have an element of enjoyment and pleasure. No, it’s not punishment but rather a celebration of your body and all it's capable of doing.


But truth be told, some days it's freaking HARD. Sometimes, it's a struggle. Often times it can be uncomfortable.

 No secret here...I love training and exercise. I actually like pushing the intensity dial, lifting heavy and challenging my fitness but by no means is it easy or always 'fun'.

It's a struggle at times.

It's often uncomfortable.

It ain't always pretty.

And many times, well, I just don’t feel like showing up.

The Spectrum - Choose your Hard

But as adults we must make a choice and choose our “hard”.

Look at the spectrum of choices that you make every single day. One one end,  struggling through simple daily movements. On the other end, some discomfort and sacrifice to move your body, challenge your muscles and build mental fortitude.

YOU choose.

YOU decide.

YOU own your actions or inactions, every day.

And these choices compound over time and determine how you will show up tomorrow.

Whether it's in the midst of the January 'hoopla', dragging your butt through February winter blues or hitting the hot lazy days of summer, you choose your “hard”.

Where do YOU sit on the spectrum of “hard” ?

“I am who I am today because of the choices I made yesterday.” Eleanor Rooseve

Coach Lisa 💪

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The Food Experience Spectrum

