Manage it or Move on

I’ve been having convos lately….

Conversations with women… some are clients, others aren’t. And there’s been a common thread or theme, if you will. Now, don’t get me wrong. I love it when someone confides in me, shares her frustrations, expresses her thoughts and seeks compassion and help.

But lately, I’ve been confused….

You see we ALL have areas to improve on when it comes to our health and fitness journey.

For one woman, it’s hard to squeeze in a workout.

For another, eating enough protein is tough to do.

For yet another, saying “no” to certain people or setting boundaries remains a challenge.

And the list goes on.

You can even think about your own “struggle’, cuz we all have one (or more!) So that’s not really the issue here.

The issue at hand is the complaining about it without implementing any tangible steps to change it.

It’s the “I’ll complain about it (in some cases for years) and yet it’s the “I still struggle.. it’s hard”…I’m trying…”I can’t” scenario.

I have to scratch my head cuz we cannot struggle with an issue like getting enough protein for example … for YEARS.

I’m sorry.

Cuz…We need to either figure it out or simply forget about it. You see, if you have a struggle, that is completely NORMAL. We all do!

But complaining about it gives us no traction, no momentum and ultimately no results.

So what to do?

Well, the choice is yours, of course. So you can most definitely, accept the struggle, without any intention to change it and simply move on.

But if you DO want to change the trajectory and take action, here are my recommendations:

  • REACH out for help: Don’t try to manage your struggle on your own. Accountability from a coach as well as expert guidance is the first place to start. If you’ve struggled with something for a while, clearly you need outside help, at least initially to get your wheels in motion.

  • STOP saying “try”, “can’t” “it’s hard”: Our words have power and shape into our reality. “Try” implies weakness with an undercurrent on failure. “Can’t” translates to “won’t. And “it’s hard” echoes impossible. Watch your words… because they ultimately lead to your actions (or lack thereof)

  • DO something: If your struggle is getting in enough protein, start writing down what you currently eat; the visual data will create more awareness… your first step towards change. If it’s hard to get in a workout, again jot it down in your calendar and set up a reminder. Here too, seeing it helps create momentum to get started.

Here’s the thing… I completely understand that this fitness thing isn’t always easy. Yes, sometimes the struggle is real. But, as I’ve said before, if you complain about it more than 3x, it’s your responsibility to do something about it. Otherwise, stop complaining about it altogether.

Golden Rule… Manage it or just Move on!

If you cannot “fix” it or “figure it out” then simply forget about it and accept what is.

I can’t tell you which one to choose… but I’m most definitely telling you that YOU alone have the power to decide :)

Peace out ✌

Coach Lisa

Coach Lisa



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