Confessions of a FitPro… I’m Just Like You

I’d love to tell you I’m motivated, feeling positive and hopeful.

I’d love to say “just log in and hop onto this free workout and it’ll all be OK, It’s only for 14 days.”

I wish I could be an anchor, your anchor, unwavering in this storm we all find ourselves in.

But I can’t.

It’s 5am, I can no longer sleep and have nowhere to go.

I scroll my feeds and read and watch the frenzy of free workouts, memes and news updates.

I’m overwhelmed. I’m sad.

It’s a bad circus and I want to go home.

But I am home.

Just like you.

As a fitness professional, connecting with people is not only my business, it’s my purpose. My mission that sets me about my day.

I feel at a loss. I’m mourning what was. Because, things post-COVID-19 will be different.

We will all be different… changed after all this is over.

Things I miss…

I miss waking up at 5am to train my 6am client. Even though I used to complain about it.

I miss rushing back and forth to the gym to teach classes between my in-home clients. Even though I used to complain about it.

I miss the bus stop pick-ups and drop-offs. Even though I used to complain about it.

I miss my routine that had me training hard and eating with structure. Never complained about that one!

But now…

There is no structure.

There is no schedule.

There is just today with the cloud cover of an unknown tomorrow as things keep changing and spiraling into more of the same.

“Social distancing” and “flattening the curve”. These new vocab terms now part of my everyday lingo. Along with “wash your hands”.

My current workout….

Basement clean-up and purging is our current homebound mission. The massive task of going through every single dusty box and bin filled with everything from newborn clothes, pre-school scrapbooks and clothes for donation. It’s a daunting task since it’s been on hold for years.

Yes, years (don’t judge)

My family and I prefer to vacation than stay home. Except now, there are no travel plans.

So bending, squatting, stair-climbing, reaching and lifting heavy-ass boxes …. this is my current exercise routine. Functional fitness where I now see my deadlifts paying off.

Slowly we’re making progress, one box at a time. In a strange way, it’s giving me purpose, a project, a goal to reach. Something purposeful to physically do, which is pretty much how I’m wired and what I often crave.

My future plans…


Not just the freebie workout that has people hop from one YouTube channel to another. I’m all for offering my help and my workout ideas for free but I have so much more to offer than push-ups and squats filmed on my iPhone.

I am a coach.

An in-person and online coach.

I help people… not just to move their bodies but to transform their lives inside and out.

You can’t get that in a 5 minute Facebook clip, sorry.

I’m going to create programs… quality programs with over 2 decades in fitness under my belt, I still have much to offer. “I’m not done yet”…. my current motto on repeat these days.

I’m going to create connection, because ultimately I care. Not just that you move your body, but that you get your mind right. That in spite of this global mess, we need to stay strong together and we have the technology to allow us to do just that. Virtual connection is still connection.

I’m going to create content through blogging because I believe the written word still holds incredible value. This cathartic creativity is a lifeline of expression for me rooted in my belief that people still want to read. Because not everything has to be quick and visual. Because the written word, thoughts, stories, opinions and anecdotes allow us all to connect even more deeply. Because some people like to take the time to use their intellect and reason, not just their eyes and ears.

Truth be Told….

I’m still processing and struggling with my thoughts everyday.

I’m struggling with my daughters’ frustration with social distancing.

I’m trying not to think about next month, this summer or next year.

I’m still counting my blessings of health for myself and my family members.

I’m still focusing on faith over fear.

And I’m still trying to just focus on right now, this present moment as I write and my task today… in my basement.

I’m just like you.

Stay Healthy. Stay home. Stay connected.



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