Start Lifting


I can’t believe it.

I can’t believe how today’s “middle-aged” woman has yet to pick up weights and start lifting. Maybe I’m biased or not even normal, but I simply don’t get it. Lifting weights has been such a part of my life since forever… it’s like the air that I breathe.

I don’t really think about it but I need it to live.

I try to be sympathetic. To understand her hesitation. To acknowledge the reasons why she does not… has not… will not.

But I can’t.

To me, it’s a non-negotiable, a no-brainer, a must-do, a no-excuse way to live with vitality beyond the menopausal years of life.


I have seen lives transform, confidence grow, and aches and pains disappear all through lifting weights.

And though I’d love to take credit for such transformations, I can’t. It’s all found in the power of the iron. And how it then creates an empowered woman of strength both inside and out.

The barbell. The dumbbell. The body. The mind.

All meshing into one strong, independent, confident woman.

You’ve likely already read it, heard it, maybe even seen it in others.

But I’m here to remind you why YOU must start lifting….

  1. YOUR Bone density: You want it. You need it. With weak or fragile bones, you are more susceptible to injuries. No one wants that especially in your 50’s and beyond when recovery takes longer and your active life comes to a halt. With every rep, muscles hug bones and bones become stronger. Start lifting.

  2. YOUR Metabolism: Sarcopenia is muscle loss. And that loss of muscle tissue means a slower metabolism. It’s estimated that after the age of 30, we begin to lose, on average 3%-6% muscle tissue per decade. What does that mean for you? Eat the same way you did at 25 years old and you will gain weight. Fact. Muscle is active tissue and allows your metabolism to hum efficiently even at rest. With age, the only way to combat sarcopenia is through an active lifestyle which encompasses weight training on a regular basis. Start lifting.

  3. YOUR Posture: Rounded shoulders and a weak back are the first visible signs of poor postural muscles. These muscles work tirelessly to keep you standing upright and functioning in your day to day life. They help you breathe better, move more efficiently and simply live a better quality of life in your 50’s, 60’s and well past your 80’s. Start lifting.

  4. YOUR Life: There comes a season for every woman when aesthetics mean very little in light of the essentials of life. Sure, aesthetic goals are fine. But the “older” woman knows her value far outweighs her reflection in the mirror. She knows that her worth exceeds the social media norms of the millennial standard of beauty. For her, strength training is about LIFE and living it fully with vitality and stamina. The sweet spot in a season of life where she can continue to do all the things that bring her both satisfaction and joy! Start lifting.

What next?

I can easily go on and on and cite all the research studies, testimonials, personal experiences and knowledge on why you MUST start to lift. But ultimately, it’s up to you. Choose not to and the years ahead may be more challenging than you thought they’d be.

Or start now… because it’s definitely not too late. Your future self will thank you for the seeds planted now. The fruits will come and your muscles will thank you! Don’t know how or where to start…?

I get you.

Let’s connect!

Start lifting.


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