The Motivation Trap: 6 Hacks to Get it Back


I’m not always motivated.


People come to me for motivation.

Also fact.

It’s a weird dichotomy of sorts that I’ve had to navigate over the many years I’m in the fitness biz.

You see no one is always 100% motivated 100% of the time.

Not a soul.

So don’t look up to your favorite IG fitness guru or the YouTuber that crushes every workout. She too has off days, bad days and meh days… just like YOU and ME!

I’ve travelled through some seasons where I’m on fire and so motivated and fuelled by my own badass workouts and my purpose to help others tap into their potential… and other times where I lose my mojo and I feel strangely “fake” about helping other people fuel their fire when mine is a feeble flame.

Truth Bomb.

So how do I actually keep it… or at least get it back quickly?

The Motivation Trap

Now you have it. Now you don’t.

You see motivation is a trap and if you ride solely on its back, you’ll likely fail.


Because it’s a fleeting emotion, a mood, a wave that ebbs and flows or like a whimsical fairy who comes and goes. Too flaky, too unreliable, too deceiving. What we actually need then is a commitment, habits and systems in place that will outsmart and outride this trap when our mojo goes missing. Some simple action steps to gain some traction and help build momentum to drive motivation back up again.

So are you feeling unmotivated these days?

Here’s maybe why:

  • you’re doing the same routine at the gym

  • you’re not seeing results as fast as you’d like

  • you hit a plateau

  • you got sick and now it’s hard to get back to it

  • you went on an epic vacation and it’s hard to get back to it

  • you have an injury

  • it’s winter

  • it’s summer

  • you get the idea… anything can cause a halt in motivation!

Hacks to get it Back:

Ok, so for the record, these may or may not work for you. But I have both seen and felt the positive side effects of each one. The goal is simple…. stoke the flame a little, create some momentum and then build motivation back up again.

  1. Get a new training program: This one always works the magic in me. A new workout program means new exercises, different tempos, equipment and training goals. Always doing the same old same old? Maybe it’s time for a change. New goals and challenges can reignite your fitness fuel.

  2. Try a new fitness class: Group exercise “groupies” tend to stick to what they know and love, but maybe it’s time to try that spin class or go to hot yoga. Trying a class that you’ve never done before might ignite a new favorite workout and new connections with others. A spark of motivation might appear!

  3. Get new fitness gear: Ok this might sound shallow but I truly believe new leggings or a new tank top can make someone “feel” more “in the mood” to train. What you wear when you work out makes a statement about you and the workout you plan on doing. Whether you’re an “all-in-black-gear kinda gal” or a “louder prints please! person” change it up and get some new gear to freshen you fitness focus!

  4. Get a coach: I will stand to this truth till the end of my fitness days… a coach WILL give you not only the training tools you need but more importantly, the accountability and support you need especially on the days you’d rather play hookie and not show up. It is a game-changer, bar none!

  5. Find a friend: Having a partner or friend can really help level up your commitment game. When one doesn’t feel like it, hopefully the other one does… it’s peer pressure at its finest! And it can work wonders… so find a teammate to train with!

  6. Join an online community: You may not by a gym-goer. Maybe you prefer solo workouts at home. I get it. It’s convenient and accessible. But it can be lonely. Online fitness groups and communities are found everywhere these days as fitness has entered into the online space! Take advantage of this current reality and join a group; post, like, share and engage with others online and keep that fire aflame!

Final Points: What Motivates You?

Here’s the thing… if you have a high school reunion, a wedding, a vacation or any other extrinsic motivating factor, it will likely work, at least in the short term. The caveat is when you don’t have a “thing” to keep you on the motivation path. What then? Or even more importantly, what happens after that event? How will you continue to keep your motivation mantra alive?

Ultimately, you need to have a deeper WHY that fuels you, on the days you wanna show up and especially on the days you don’t. The long-haul simply means always, in every season and in spite of motivation’s sudden disappearance. So find what keeps you motivated and stoked to continue on your path to fitness. Hold a tight grip to that commitment you made to yourself and when you’re feeling less motivated, try some of these hacks to give you just the nudge you might need!

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