25 in 45 "STAY SUMMER STRONG" Challenge

It happens every year….

As many of you know, I’ve been in the fitness industry for a long time, 3 decades in fact.

And every September the same scenario rolls in.

A return to fitness covered in a blanket of regret and guilt.

Regret for having a summer that was filled with much enjoyment, but very little training.

As a former group exercise instructor, I’d often see a peak in spring as many women wanted to “get in shape” for summer. Then by July, as holidays swept over with a side of poolside cocktails, I’d notice my group fitness stats would slowly dwindle.

By August… ?


Many of my participants gone MIA.

But then, in September the “back to school/back to the gym” routine would start up again. Only this time, with regret wrapped in sore muscles.

And I get it.

Summer for many of us means time off, or at least a change in schedules. More social gatherings. More BBQs. More cocktails by the pool.

Nothing wrong with that. After all the season here in Canada is short.

BUT, if fitness is the lifestyle we claim we want it to be, then the summer season should be no different.

So I decided to create the 25 in 45 “Stay Summer Strong” Challenge in an effort to keep us going through the summer months!

Rather than “react” in regret in September, let’s “respond” and ACT in alignment with our fitness and lifestyle goals.

What is the Challenge?

Complete 25 workouts in 45 days.

(This works out to approximately 4 workouts per week)

What qualifies as a workout?

Wow Push /Pull Training

FB Live workouts

Other Wow Video Library Workouts

Walking, Swimming, Biking, Hiking, Yoga, Group Fitness Class

When does it start and finish?

July 1 to August 14

How do I participate?

Post on FB 1x/week a workout you completed - a pic, post, video etc

Send in weekly check-in form (included in your newsletter) to me every Friday :)

What do I win?

Draws for the following prizes:

1:1 Personal Training Coaching Package (value 200$)

25$ Starbucks Gift Card

One month free WOW pass

Last thing…

This challenge is meant to be “challenging” in that there’s a bar to reach to keep up our momentum and motivation going throughout these next 6 weeks.

Let’s stay the course this summer and commit to training and moving our bodies on a consistent basis… so that when September rolls around… no regrets!

A summer filled with fun and fitness… let’s gooo!

Who’s in??

Coach Lisa 💪


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