Break the Barrier Challenge
“I am always doing what I can’t do yet in order to learn how to do it.”
These words are from Vincent Van Gogh and though his life’s work was art, I love how it can apply to anything… yes, even our fitness goals.
In fitness, when we try to master a certain exercise and improve on it, the process can be long, messy and challenging.
So much so that we often choose to quit.
Case in point…
A few years ago, my coach included pistol squats to my program. If you don’t know what they are, basically it’s a squat on one leg.
And it’s hard.
And I sucked.
I painstakingly performed all reps on one leg, then the other… complaining through each one. I clearly wanted him to remove it from my program.
To which he refused, of course, and in fact, kept that exercise in my program for months and months… 6 months actually. (Clearly he didn’t listen to my gripes!)
Until I didn’t suck as much and I actually didn’t hate them as much either.
Basically, fine-tuning the skill and learning how to do it.
And it worked!
Likewise, with my clients who might be struggling to increase their strength in a certain exercise, I’ll often include that exercise twice in their program.
This ensures that they get to practice it more than just once a week. It’s also an effective way to train our central nervous system and muscles to break some barriers!
And so, this was my inspiration to create this summer’s
Our training programs both in July and August are short. This was intentional on my part when I designed them.
Since it is summer and normal routines of life tend to shift somewhat, I wanted to keep things effective and efficient with consistency as the main goal.
But I also wanted to challenge YOU!
Here’s how…
We all have that one exercise that’s challenging.
Or that we hate/love.
The one we suck at the most.
The one we’d rather not do.
What’s YOURS?
Romanian Deadlift
Back Squat
Goblet Squat
Bulgarian Split Squats
Hip Thrust
Chest Press
Overhead Press
Break the Barrier Challenge Details:
Choose ONE exercise that’s challenging for you.
Perform 8 reps/ 3 sets BEFORE the circuit training program
Do this 2x/week
Track your progress (weights used throughout the month)
Post on FB each week (either a pic/video/post etc.)
3 winners will be selected in September
Prizes include Amazon Gift Card, Starbucks Gift Card and a customized 4-week training program and 1:1 coaching session with me (Value of 199$)
This challenge will run through the summer months whereby you’ll choose one exercise for July and another for August.
Ultimately, the goal is to strengthen your weakness, improve the skills you struggle with and get better at the exercise that challenges you the most.
This will not only build strength and skill, but resilience and tenacity too!
Who’s in?
What’s your exercise?
Post it on our FB group :)
Let’s cheer each other on and break some barriers!
Coach Lisa 💪❤