I’m doing a thing…

It’s June…

Well actually I’m writing this on May 28th.

My dad’s bday.

It’s now 2 1/2 years since his passing and a “new” normal has set it. We often still talk about him, reminisce, imitate him and scroll at pictures on my camera roll.

To say he’s still alive in our hearts is an understatement.

And because of that… I decided to do a thing.

In honor of his life and in honor of LIFE.

I signed up to run a 10k this Sunday June 2nd.

Now you might think.. “well, big deal, you’ve run a 10k before.”


But I haven’t exactly been running much as of late.

In the past, every time I’ve signed up for a race, I have ALWAYS been prepared for it.

Tracking mileage.

Increasing volume.

Working speed intervals.

You know… Type A stuff.

That be me.

This time though… no.

I kinda let go of running back in January and February because of a minor (albeit nagging) knee issue.

Though the issue wasn’t due to running per se, I pulled back from the repetitive pounding that inevitably happens with each foot strike.

(Interesting fact…each heel strike is about 3-4 times our bodyweight. So for a runner of 150lbs that means each time her foot hits the pavement, it generates about 600lbs of pressure. A 10K run (6miles) adds up to tonnes of pressure to say the least.)


Because of the little hiatus from running, I stuck to fast sprints and short distances while rehabbing my knee.

Now, my knee is 100%… zero pain or discomfort and it’s fabulous.

As I started running again, I kept thinking “wow! this feels so good!”

(Whereas before, my headspace was filled with apprehension and lingering fear should I feel the slightest discomfort. If you’ve had an injury, you know exactly what I mean.)

So, I signed up for a race I’m not fully prepared for… something I’d never coach my clients to do btw! (Coach Confession)

So WHY did I do that?

Every person who signs up for anything needs to ask that question… often!

Wanna run a 10K? Why?

Wanna start lifting weights? Why?

Wanna lose some body fat? Why?

Wanna pick up pickleball? Why?

Mine this year is widely different than it was a year ago.

Last year I was pumped and prepared. I wanted to compete with myself of course… finish within a certain time, prove to myself I could still do it after a 10-year hiatus from my half-marathon days.

This year’s WHY looks like this…

  • To savor the experience of being in a herd of runners of all ages, shapes and sizes which always leaves me inspired.

  • Because at 54, it’s a privilege to still have the ability and desire to run and to do so pain-free is a gift I value that much more this year than last.

  • To step out of my comfort zone… running is relatively comfortable for me (ish) but to sign up for something without much preparation is not. It’s not in my character at all… bye-bye Type A (lol)

  • To complete not compete… I doubt I’ll break any records and my time will likely be slower than last year, but my outlook is different this time. Again, just remembering how life is precious (thanks Dad) and how we sometimes hold back for wtv reason when really, we should seek opportunities that stretch us, make us uncomfortable and pull us out of status quo and grow us into a better version of self.

Final thoughts…

I have no idea how things will turn out on Sunday… if I’ll take breaks and walk or if I’ll sprint passed the finish line, your guess is as good as mine.

Either way, I’m hoping there will still be a smile on my face for having done the thing I didn’t plan on doing :)

And, no I’m not saying everyone should do this! I realize I could get injured or things can go sideways that day.

But I’m trusting my heart and know my legs and lungs will carry me with each foot strike (3x bodyweight!)

How about you?

Have you ever done anything you didn’t plan on doing?

How did it go?

I’d love to know!

Coach Lisa 💪❤


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