My 3 Ah-ha's of 2020
You don’t need me to tell you this year’s been quite the ride.
I often think back at NYE 2019 as we partied into the new decade, thinking how epic it would be.
Little did we know exactly how “unforgettable” it would actually be.
But looking back, it wasn’t all that grim. Sure I had my moments, just like you did… frustration, grief and disbelief at what was spiraling in front of us.
I still have those now and then, like shock waves that jolt me into Rona reality…
But in spite of the mess. Or maybe, because of it, I can say I’m walking away from 2020 with 3 ah-ha’s in my back pocket.
They’re not colossal.
They’re not things you’ve never heard before.
They’re not “new”.
But for me, they shaped and shook my world, changed my course and brought me here to you.
1. It doesn’t have to be perfect for it to hold purpose.
Perfectionism and purpose do not co-exist. In fact, they cannot. Living your purpose will often mean perfection gets put aside for the greater good.
Do your best? Yes, of course… but let go of “perfect” because it will often steal the power of fulfilling a higher purpose. I often held myself back, waiting for the perfect time and perfect conditions, not realizing that the perfect time is now. Always now.
Like they say, “a done something is better than a perfect nothing.”
So, my first ah-ha, hold a high standard for yourself, but not at the expense of holding yourself back from doing the thing!
2. Say yes before you’re ready.
Present at a virtual conference or teach a fitness class on Zoom with music and mic and power point slides? Sure! But, seriously I had no idea how any of that tech stuff worked. Was the learning curve easy? Heck no. Being a newbie at anything sucks at the start.
But getting in the reps, practicing and learning new skills always pays off in the long run.
Bumps and all. My ah-ha here is simple… saying yes to the things I’m not sure of and learn as I go…the simple case of learning to fly on the way down. I hate heights btw.
Scary but essential if growth is gonna happen.
3. Just show up.
Showing up. Every day. Even and especially on days I didn’t want to. I had to show up first and foremost for myself… alone, training in my basement when I sometimes had to drag my butt to get down there. And of course, show up as a coach for others who sought an anchor and needed that nudge of support or accountability and a dash of tough love.
We just need to show up. Consistently. Which is easy to do. And all too easy not to do. As Jeff Olson said in his book, “The Slight Edge”, we know exactly what we need to do, but the follow through is where things often fall through the cracks.
Planting the seed, yes.
Harvesting the crop, of course.
But cultivating is where the magic happens, even when it seems like nothing is happening at all.
So the last ah-ha…just show up means be present. Do the simple thing. Do the easy thing. The thing that’s all too easy to skip. Because over time, the compound interest will grow. Guaranteed.
So that’s it… no real biggies really. But big ah-ha’s for me.
Without these, I wouldn’t be writing this blog.
It’s not perfect, but it’s here, fulfilling its purpose.
For me.
And especially for you.
Coach Lisa ❤