The Food Experience Spectrum... from Fuel to Fun

I was thinking about food the other day…

Now, I’m not one who spends a lot of time or mental energy on food.

I grocery shop, prep my food, eat what I pretty much plan and move on with my day.

But for many others, food eating decisions can be complicated and even frustrating.

Do I have this or that?

Am I eating enough or too little?

If I eat X, Y or Z will it derail me from my goal?

These are just a few thoughts that can creep into one’s psyche… and it can be exhausting.

Mental energy spent on every single food decision is not how we are intended to live.

So what to do?

What if food decisions are taking up too much of your mental real estate? What can we do to clear some of that headspace, so we’re not second-guessing everything we choose to eat… or not?

Welcome to the Food Experience Spectrum ;)

I coined this phrase because I felt it best describes how we eat and how we can make wise decisions that enable us to eat well, with enjoyment, satisfaction and in alignment with our goals, whatever those goals might be.

Basically, on one end of the spectrum we have FUEL and on the other end we have FUN.

Between these 2 ends is a wide spectrum of food, some of which are highly nutritious while some aren’t as “healthy” but definitely pleasurable.

ALL foods belong on this spectrum :)

The “food as fuel” mantra…

You’ve probably heard this idea before…

“Fuel your body”

“Your body is like a machine”

“Give your body what it needs to nourish it and fuel it”.

All the above is true. Yes, the foods you eat will provide energy for your workouts and your every day life activities. Of course, we want to provide nourishment for our bodies.

No argument there.


Food is Fun too…

Food is pleasure, celebration, culture and dare I say, emotion. Because your body might , in fact, be a “machine” but you’re equally hard-wired for enjoyment and pleasure-seeking experiences..

Food is very much a part of that hedonistic experience.

So something sweet, salty, savory and even fatty… these are the tastes and textures that fall under this side of the spectrum.

Performance vs Pleasure: How to Choose?

I wish there was a formula or equation that I can give you… a “no-brainer” approach.

But there isn’t.

Not for you.

Not for me.

We need to assess, think and be honest with ourselves when making our decisions.

Not lament, judge or linger too long in thoughts that won’t move us forward along.

Here are some key questions to ask yourself to determine how to choose your food on this spectrum:

  • Do I really enjoy this food or am I choosing it simply because it’s there in front of me?

  • Is it “worth” it? (ie) full satisfaction with mindful bites?

  • Can I enjoy it and “move on” without any second-thoughts?

  • Does my digestion support this food choice?

  • Where is this food on the spectrum… more fuel-less fun or more fun-less fuel?

  • Am I satisfied with my choice?

  • Will it move me closer to my future goals? (delayed gratification)

  • Will it bring me pleasure in the moment? (immediate gratification)

There is no black-white, all-or-nothing approach to food. In other words, you can steer close to the “food is fuel” side of the spectrum, but at some point life will make it harder for you to stay there.

A birthday.

A dinner with friends.

A vacation.


You will naturally gravitate to the “food is fun” side of things at some point…. and that’s ok!

Instead of this OR that, think of it as this AND that?

It’s just like a dimmer switch vs an on-off button. A “more of/less of” flexible approach that works both within your current lifestyle, while moving you closer in the direction of your goals.

Is that even possible? I believe so, yes.

It’s a work in progress. And it requires patience, honesty and a few trade-offs along the way.

Bottom-line though is YOU hold the power to choose how and where to sit on that spectrum so you can eat with both purpose and pleasure in body and mind:)

How do you make your food choices? Are there foods on the spectrum that you should have more of? Less of?

Share your comments… I’d love to know!

Coach Lisa 💪


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