Are you a Goal-Digger?
As a coach, the idea of goal-setting often comes up in conversation with my clients…
The very vague question, “what’s your goal?” usually gets a person to begin to describe what she feels she’d like to achieve.
Our goals can be EXTRINSIC or INSTRINSIC.
Maybe you’ve heard this idea before but I’ll explain it for the record.
An extrinsic goal is motivated by an external factor or reward. For example, winning a prize or recognition. In fitness and health it might even be an event like a race or competition, or a wedding, reunion or vacation.
An intrinsic goal is motivated by internal factors like personal growth, enjoyment, feeling satisfaction.
Of course, intrinsic goals are beneficial especially long-term, after all what happens after the short-term goal of an event is done and over?
What then drives your motivation to continue?
Extrinsic goals can seem so shallow… so vain even, right?
Hmmm… maybe not.
I used to sit on that principle quite a bit, trying to influence clients in seeking out intrinsic goals… because I deemed them more valuable. To a certain extent they are.
But now… I see things a little differently. Let me explain….
I’m writing this, once again at dawn, when my thoughts are typically clear and my coffee strong ;)
It’s the day before a competition that I signed up for. A day that I have been physically and mentally preparing for over the last 2 months.
It’s basically a WOD (workout of the day) where there ae 2 AMRAPS (as many rounds as possible) that are performed in teams of 2. So, my partner and myself have been training and strategizing how we will perform at our best! Her strengths are my weaknesses ( burpees belong to her!) and my strengths are her weaknesses ( deadlifts I got you lol)
So together, we should be able to kick some butt! 😜
What I discovered through this prep is that it instilled a little extra spark in me… an outside extrinsic goal with a date on it now ignited a little “umph” in me.
It’s pretty cool to have something specific to train for attached with a tangible deadline.
Now the prize isn’t a car or fancy trip… I think it’s a basket of supplements worth 100$. Fun but not life-changing.
But it’s not about the prize at all. It’s about the event. The experience. The team effort. And more importantly the work it took to get there!
To me, that is the prize. This goal pushed me to dig a little deeper and uncover my competitive spirit that I haven’t felt in a while.
I have yet to compete…
Tomorrow is the big day! But the process has kept me consistent in my workouts while moving the intensity dial with every training.
It has helped me to not just show up in a workout but actually turn up the heat.
It forced me to really pay attention to my recovery, more than usual.
It motivated me to do the necessary mobility drills to keep my joints happy.
So what about YOU?
Do you have an extrinsic goal?
Do you NEED an extrinsic goal?
I’d argue NO. You actually don’t.
But, it might be the “thing” that offers a new dimension and direction to your current fitness plan/regime.
These extrinsic goals don’t have to be big competitions.
It can be:
Signing up for a 5k run/walk event which would mean working a little more on your cardio conditioning
Planning a trip this summer with activities like a hike or bike tour, requiring you to “up” your strength-training to meet those demands.
A Mud Run/Obstacle course, there are many for women only which is really cool:)
Taking tennis or golf lessons which requires working on rotational power/speed/coordination specific to the sport
Yes, even a social event/vacation/reunion which may mean dialing in on food choices and building up a consistent workout routine. (nothing wrong with that!)
Last words…
I will always promote intrinsic goals because, yes, they hold great value. Feeling better, improved mental health, better sleep, improved bone density, cognitive clarity, improved health markers.
Listen, all of the above are amazing and good and should be part of your internal motivation because there is NO deadline and NO finish line.
But sometimes, an outside/external goal can spark a little magic and stir your motivation in a unique way.
There’s something exciting and scary signing up for something and then holding yourself accountable to showing up on that given day.
I’m not sure how tomorrow will go… would love to be first place! Not gonna lie.
But showing up and doing my best after a few months of grinding and grunts was satisfying and fun!
So much so, that I’m actually looking into signing up for a 10k potentially in June!
It also had me thinking of offering a WOW “virtual event” perhaps in May or June!?
If you’re up for the challenge, let me know! I’ll gladly work on the details :)
Until then, think about your current fitness regime and if you think an extrinsic goal can motivate and inspire you to “level up” your training.
Maybe it’s time to be a goal-digger 🏆
Part 2….A Behind-the Scenes
Ok so a little snippet on how I did, in case you were wondering! My partner and I won first place!! It was tough and definitely pushed me out of my comfort zone. It was incredibly challenging both physically and mentally.
But apart from that, let me give you some context…a little “behind-the-scenes”. I am currently in peri-menopause, no surprise at 53yrs old. My periods have changed of course which is totally normal. Thing is, I hadn’t had a period since January. No complaints here cuz I felt good and knew that at some point I’d experience these fluctuations.
The thing is though, my period decided to show up the night before the big day… and with a heavy dose of intensity (no pun intended!)
Bad cramps, heavy flow… I was not a happy camper.
I had a couple of options…
Not show up… but how could I ditch my partner and be a no-show at this event?
Compete anyway and pop some Advil before to reduce the pain.
Of course, I chose the second option. The Advil kicked in and I performed as best as I could. Probably not my very best but enough to give us the win as a team ( my partner btw managed to hold her plank for 6 MINUTES!) Y’all that is freaking long lol. And yes, I crushed my deadlifts as best as I could.
Anyhow, I wanted to share that antidote because once again, it proved to me that having an external goal can be a significant driver of action for each of us, regardless of what circumstances we might have to face.
Long story short… Yes, you show up for the event or for the others in your team but ultimately, you show up for YOU.
And that, in turn shapes you as a woman, an athlete, a mom, a friend, a daughter, a leader, an instructor, an employee and more.
You show up to “level up” and that prize is priceless!
Coach Lisa 💪