November "Healthy Holiday" Challenge


Less daylight

Colder temps

Rainy days

Mood shifts

It’s a month when, especially here in Canada, moods become “blah” and motivation can start to wane. The crispness of fall and its vibrant colors quickly fade and morph into colder temps, short days and a sudden lack of “mojo”.

That’s why I decided to kickstart this month with our Healthy Holiday 6-week Challenge… not just to offset the November blues but to help us head into the end of the year feeling HEALTHY and STRONG!

Because “health” means more than lifting weights.

Rather, it embraces all aspects of well-being from nutrition to self-care :)

What is required?

  1. 2x Training /week (upper/lower body)

  2. Protein-centric meals/snacks (include protein choices at every meal/snack)

  3. Water intake 2-3l/day (hydration is the most underrated “hack” for energy, vitality, cellular support)

  4. Stress management strategy (self-care) 1x/week (walk, journal, reading, yoga)


  • ONE FACEBOOK POST/week of either your meal, or water, or training or self-care practice

  • EMAIL ME weekly accountability Check-in Report

  • Here is the Weekly Check-in Report

The Challenge officially begins November 7- December 17.

Let’s kick off the month strong and end the year healthier than we started!

I truly hope you decide to hop on this challenge so we can this year feeling our very best!

Coach Lisa 💪


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Quinoa Vegetable Soup


Protein Pumpkin Muffins