Move More in May Challenge!


May is here…. and with it, a season of more movement!

I know we’ve done some challenges in the past …They’re a great way to cheer each other as we work towards a common goal together!

I personally love having a specific focus so I can hone in on the things I need to do to get closer to my target.

So here we go… our Move More in May Challenge

Why this monthly challenge?

  • To create a simple way to get us to add more movement in our day… let’s face it, many of us are sedentary or don’t always move the way we would like to.

What do I have to do exactly?

  • 3 workouts/week throughout the entire month

  • 1x Mobility/Stretching Session (of your choice, from WOW library, yoga class, or your own stretches)

  • 1x Muscle Session (of your choice, from WOW library or Live workout or your own strength-training workout)

  • 1x Movement Session ( of your choice - a walk, a Zumba class, light cardio, gardening etc. as long as you physically move!)

How long do these workouts need to be?

  • As long or as short as you’d like! No requirements here, so 5 minutes or 30… it’s up to you:)

How do I participate?

  • Post on or FB page 1x/week one of your 3 workouts - either a selfie, a pic of where you walked/moved, your dumbbells, your watch stats.. whatever you’d like!

Ok, Lisa but what do I win?

  • An Indigo gift card

  • A free membership month

  • A body with stronger muscles, a conditioned heart and increased mobility… the 3 pillars for a fit and healthy body!

I’m so excited to get this started with you!

I know for myself, it’s sometimes a struggle to get in enough steps in my day… and my own stretching and mobility sessions can sometimes be put to the side!

No bueno.

So here’s our opportunity to build that consistency together. And yes, I’ll be doing this with you too of course!

Because we know that every bit adds up.

Every deposit counts.

And because we know that taking care of our body is not a luxury but rather a necessity so we can continue to do the things we love and positively impact those around us!

Who’s in??

Post on our FB page or send me a direct email if you are!

May… it’s time to move MORE 😍


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