New Year... New You?
I was shopping at TJ Maxx the other day.
Who doesn’t like a good deal, right? And of course, what I noticed at the front of the store was an abundance of workout gear and fitness accessories.
“It’s January”, I thought to myself (insert eye roll). The sarcastic side of me was thinking how people hop on to fitness plans and diets… in January.
Always in January.
What about July? What happens even in February?
Ahh…people will inevitably “fall of the wagon”.
But then I thought…
WAIT a minute, Lisa
We’re in the middle of a pandemic that seems to have no end in sight. We’re coming out of a December that globally had more people sick, anxious and even depressed than ever seen before during the holiday season.
And yet the one thing being promoted the most are vaccines and boosters (for the record, I’m not anti-vaxx, but I am PRO health)
ultimately, it’s our health (both physical and mental) that’s most important in helping us weather this crazy storm.
So, I switched gears, thinking, let marketers promote gym gear. Let storefronts show the latest leggings and yoga mats. Bring on health and fitness as a New Year’s resolution again this year.
Unfortunately, I already see some posts mocking those who are setting new goals this month with a condescending air of “you’re bound to fail”.
They claim…
Why tell people they need to change now?
Why make individuals feel “less than”?
Why is the gym (ahem… when gyms were open) jam-packed in January? Where are the crowds even just 6 weeks later?
We don’t need a January or a Monday to make changes in our health, right?
Definitely a pessimistic view with a tinge of sarcasm on the side… no bueno.
But on the flip side, I’m thinking…
What’s wrong with someone wanting to prioritize health?
What’s the problem if a person decides that 2022 is the year to change some habits or build new ones?
Who’s to say an individual will “fail” if they start to exercise in January just because some people don’t “succeed”?
Who can actually define what success even means to another person?
Because the truth is, some people will in fact, succeed.
Some individuals actually change their habits, lose the weight, write the book, start the business or quit the smoking habit.
Yes… some DO!
And dare I say, sometimes a dismal December, a year of struggle, a looming virus and fragile mental health is the impetus needed to plunge into a “fresh start”.
So instead of pessimism this year, I’m fully encouraging anyone who wants to put their health at the top of the list.
Set that goal.
Create a resolution.
Make a 2022 plan of action.
To maybe…
Eat more veggies
Exercise more consistently
Walk daily
Journal regularly
Lose some weight
Build some muscle
Connect with others more often
Practice yoga
Get your fist pull-up
Say “I love you” more often
Stop complaining so much
Or X, Y, Z 😊
Whatever your “goal” is, set it, claim it and take the necessary steps to achieve it.
Because sometimes a “January” is exactly what we need to finally do “the thing”.
And you can bet I’ll be there cheering you on!
Have a goal you want to share? Let me know… I’d love to help you achieve it 💥
Coach Lisa 💪