The Path of Least Resistance
“If you find a path with no obstacles, it probably doesn’t lead anywhere.”
Frank A. Clark
No truer words. Yet seems so counterintuitive, doesn’t it?
We typically gravitate to the path of least resistance… easy, comfortable, familiar and safe.
So why seek out obstacles or challenges? Why expect them and anticipate bumps in the road?
And more importantly, how can doing that actually help me?
Back story….
As a coach, part of my job is to remind my clients that obstacles WILL come up, curveballs will happen, and we will often fall short of our lofty goals… aka the human condition.
It’s interesting really…because lately I’ve been “lowering the bar” for many of my clients. Not because I think they aren’t capable or have potential or don’t have the very best intentions in mind… Don’t we all?
But the thing is… I KNOW that obstacles will arise. On paper things seem doable but in reality, life will present challenges. All the time. And so, I’m the nudge on the shoulder that reminds them that life will happen, some things are beyond our control and so, we need strategies and solutions in place to keep sailing.
It could be a meeting at work, throws you off your schedule.
It might be a parent or child who needs your attention… today (when of course you were planning to workout)
A traffic jam… you get home late.
You don’t “feel motivated” … again.
So what’s the solution then… Give up? Don’t even try? Feel like a failure?
No, definitely don’t give up… but you do have to rewire your thinking :)
Here are my 2 cents…
EXPECT CHALLENGES: This is a game-changer… your expectations! This mindset shift will inevitably help you to grow through the challenge and see how you are able to take action steps towards your goal nonetheless. Expecting a smooth ride is likely not gonna happen. Know it. Expect it. And actually LEAN into obstacles!
IF THIS, THEN THAT: Have a plan of course. But then have a Plan B. If you’re behind schedule on a given day you intended to train, have a Plan B in place and ready to go. So, instead of doing your Pull Training after work, take a 20min walk instead. You wanted to have a salad with protein, but you got busy and you’re on the road… grab a protein bar. Is Plan B perfect? Nope, of course not. But it’s definitely good enough and keeps you swimming in spite of obstacles that come your way. This is the “ebb and flow” of a fitness journey. A wave tries to throw you off… but you have a “safety net” to keep you afloat.
FIND ACCOUNTABILITY: I have been “that person” for many clients who literally need that text, email or quick check-in to keep them committed when life gets crazy. Sometimes a little nudge and reminder is all that’s needed to ride the wave and do the best you can in the season that you’re in. It could be a coach, a friend or partner or our WOW Community. Accountability often works when we wannna quit!
Final Thoughts…
No pockets of free time will fall from the sky. Smooth sailing rarely exists… at least not for long. Very few perfect moments appear when on a fitness journey.
This stuff is hard and requires effort and self-discipline (daily), especially at the start.
Expecting challenges and obstacles is one of the BEST ways to succeed on this path.
Know that things will NOT go as planned at times.
Understand that effort is a requisite to succeed… often a daily dose.
Accept that the path of least resistance is NOT the place for true growth.
Smooth sailing doesn’t require skill, tenacity or resilience.
Only choppy waters can do that ;)
Coach Lisa 💪❤