Season Survival Mode
I wrote about seasons back in April…
A simple blog about different seasons in life and how fitness goals may be on the backburner when life throws us off our feet.
Little did I know I’d have re-read it and apply my “tips” to my very own life.
I now find myself at the crossroads of 2 opposing seasons… one of grief and sadness, the other of holiday cheer and joy. It’s an awkward space I’m floating in. Strangely, I feel unable (or maybe unwilling) to budge.
Yet, I don’t want this blog to be about my grief journey, because this space isn’t about me and the fresh wound I’m learning to heal.
But somehow, I can’t help but think how we all travel through life’s ups and downs and how some things matter and some things just don’t.
I don’t know what season of life you’re in… maybe you’re at the top of a pinnacle where things are going smoothly. If that’s you, that’s fantastic… an awesome place to be! Savor this place, enjoy each moment of bliss.
But maybe, things aren’t what you hoped they’d be by this year’s end.
Goals unreached.
Intentions unmet.
Aspirations unattained.
Reminder… You are not a failure.
You are HUMAN.
I’m learning to navigate these waters I’ve never experienced before and so I’m sharing a few things that have helped me so far. Regardless the season you’re in, they just might help you too.
Habit Anchors: We all have go-to habits that help us. These are anchors we latch on to when waters are choppy. For me, it’s a short workout or walk and my daily journal writing. Though I’m not training anywhere near the intensity I’m used to, I have been moving my body. It’s not epic. I’m not setting PRs. I’m not tracking my HR. But I’m moving because that habit has always proved to help me both physically and mentally. I love to write too, so journaling my messy, incoherent thoughts somehow brings clarity to my mind. It’s “mediation on paper” and for me, a habit that helps me reflect on the jargon that spins in my head.
Do you have a healthy habit anchor that helps you?
Connection: Some people naturally wear their heart on their sleeve… no judgement. But I’m not one of those. Though I am a “public” person, my private life is something I protect. Thing is though, to get through some hard stuff, connection with people is exactly what’s needed. Because life, fitness, business… anything, is not to be done solo. Connection with others is a must! Do you have connection with others in your circle? The person or people you can turn to when things are great or when you’re “not ok”? Maybe Wow plays that small part for you… I hope it does:)
Gratitude: When things are going great, this one is easy! Grateful for success, friends, health, vacation, kids who behave, a spouse who’s considerate:) But when life’s not so great, when things get hairy, messy and dare I say, ugly, can you find gratitude in your heart? That’s a tough one, I must admit. Grateful I lost my dad so quickly? No. Never. But incredibly grateful for his legacy and life I was part of, for being his “baby girl” and for the outpouring of love and support I’ve felt since his passing. I read somewhere.. “grief is a gateway to gratitude”. It struck me as odd with diametrically opposing feelings. Yet it’s so true, if we dig deep enough. Are you grateful even if you’re stuck in a rut, where things aren’t going as planned or when you have a long list of complaints and gripes? I know it’s hard to see past the clouds but there is ALWAYS a tiny glimmer of hope and gratitude to find… if you’re willing to look.
I’m not walking in your shoes….
I don’t have the answers on how to live in YOUR particular season, whether it’s filled with holiday wonder and cheer or not, but know this… every season both good and bad will shape you into who you are becoming.
From the inside out, may December bring out the you, you were always meant to be!
Coach Lisa 💪❣