September Start-Up
September motivates me…
Here’s why!
I often take a break in the summer to simply chill! That usually means at least 10 consecutive days without training or much exercise except for maybe some leisure walking.
My body needs the break. My mind does too.
And I’m also very much past that stage where I worry or panic if I choose not to workout a day or 2… or 3.
I’ve learned to TRUST my body.
I KNOW that my fitness won’t suddenly disappear if I take a 2-week break. After investing over 2 decades of “deposits” in my “fitness” account, I’m secure in my body’s ability to “bounce back” and retain muscle memory!
I also know that getting back into that fitness routine again can be tough!
You feel me?
My muscles usually “talk to me” (more like scream) quite a bit during that first workout after my break.
But it’s a love/hate convo that’s become quite familiar to me! Instead of feeling defeated or a tinge of regret, I spin the narrative another way… I look at the incredible opportunity to improve my fitness and level up once again!
It’s a mindset thing that motivates me and keeps my striving to get better:)
The first workout is usually the toughest both for the body and mind. But my sore muscles will eventually heal.
my body will remember what it’s like to train with purpose and intention once again.
So I thought I’d share my “Dial Movers” … the steps I take that help me get back to my fitness routine :)
Dial Mover #1: Schedule it!
If we want to squeeze in a workout, an extra pocket of time won’t suddenly appear. We gotta make it happen. So, look at your weekly schedule and block off 2 slots of 30min ( WOW training program). Write it down, send yourself a reminder, put a sticky note on your laptop… whatever visual you can use to schedule your training time in. One hour per week is a minimum dose to carve in time for you… your health, fitness, mental well-being and longevity! So I put my workout “appointment” in my agenda so I’m sure not to skip it. That time slot might change (and often does) from week to week… but I still make sure to get it done!
Dial Mover #2: Prep it!
Our eating behavior and habits are largely influenced by our environment… where we are, who’s with us and what’s visually in front of us. To make life easier…set yourself up for success by prepping some food in advance. Grill some chicken, make some hard-boiled eggs, chop up some veggies, cube some fruit… do the little things to make it easier for you to make wise and mindful choices that align with your goals! No need to prep for an entire week’s worth of food… even just a 3-day food prep usually helps me get back to better eating habits.
Dial Mover #3: Define it!
What’s YOUR goal or intention this month? Is it to build consistency? Improve your muscle endurance? Fat loss? Maintain your current fitness level? Get stronger? Improve stresss management? Increase your veggie and protein intake?
Whatever it is… define it. Have only one clear focus this month… don’t try to tackle too many things at once.
Dial Mover #4: Share it!
Once you’ve defined it… tell somebody! Me or our WOW community, a friend, partner or coach! Research shows that this simple step of telling another person will increases our success rate by as much as 70%.
So here’s my personal goal this month…to improve my cardio capacity and endurance. This summer as you might already know (check out my blog Getting Stronger … My July Journey), I focused on increasing strength. Now I’d like to challenge myself in another way. I also plan to zone in on nutrition, by eating at home more! I enjoyed plenty of restos this summer and even though I ordered “healthy” fare, eating out is never like home, right?
So what’s your goal this month? I’d love to know!
Final Thoughts…
Dial Movers are just that… small actionable steps that budge the needle just enough to elicit positive changes.
No radical transformations… just small steps that start up our September with success!
Coach Lisa