The Start of Something New...


Self-Sabotage: (verb) Procrastinating, not trying, using excuses, staying in unhealthy situations because they’re comfortable. Mel Robbins

Starting something new for me has always had that tinge of excitement covered with a soft halo of the unknown. A new year. A new month. A new project. A new client.

It can be scary, special and surreal all at once.

 How will I do this? ( Lack of confidence)

What are others doing? (Comparison-itis)

I’m not sure I know what I’m doing? (Imposter syndrome)


What if I fail?

 Those questions lurk in the back of everyone’s mind at some point.

That’s where self-sabotage rears its head. Self-limiting beliefs that keep you stuck in neutral. Sitting in a car going nowhere.

You’ve likely, at some point encountered a few moments of self-sabotage in the past, I’m sure.

 We all experience those thought patterns.

Some do more than others.


I procrastinated, found every excuse, and stayed comfortable for years before launching my fitness business. I told myself…others were better qualified, more tech-savvy, had more social media influence, were younger and on and on went my excuses.

I believed those lies simply because that’s what I told myself. I “bought into” my own script which didn’t serve me, except to keep me where I was at the time. Comfortable and doing what I knew well, teaching group fitness classes.


My thoughts became my habits which became my behaviour which held me back.


How did I finally take action and change gears?

That “aha-moment” was realizing that I did have potential and I was wasting it because of fear.

Fear of failure.

Fear of change.

Fear of extra work.

Fear of the unknown.

Fear of technology.

Fear of success.

All wrapped in one comfortable adult-sized security blanket.

I needed to step into that fear in order to grow, change and tap into my potential as a coach to help others.

Just like you.


Thoughts Count…


Fact is though, we can have anywhere between 12,000 and 15,000 thoughts per day and 70% of them are negative. So yes, your mind, thoughts and language will hear the “I can’t”, the “I won’t”, the “I’m not good enough” echoes.

 The subconscious mind is powerful and listens to you and the words you use. For example, if you say, ‘I don’t want to eat junk food’, your subconscious mind hears “junk food’ and guess what you’ll want more of??

You guessed it… JUNK FOOD.

But if you make an affirmation like ‘I will make healthy food choices’, you’ve suddenly flipped the switch in your brain and steered your subconscious mind to help you make those better choices instead.


It seems too basic right? Elementary? A “no brainer” ?

Yet studies show that the words we use have great power in helping us create positive changes in our lives, whether that’s in fitness and health or business and relationships 😊

Those negative thoughts are like waves that pop into your mind.

Some come crashing down, others are more subtle.

You just need to figure out which one to ride.

And rewrite the script in your mind!

This month…the very first one of the year, I’d like us to pay attention to our language.


How would you describe yourself?

How would you describe your fitness journey?

How do you think others would describe you?

Fill in the following using specific words of affirmation on why you have joined WOW this month (once again)

 I joined the WOW Community because it will help me to_____________________  so that I can ____________________ and _______________________________________.

Example: I joined WOW because it will help me to build consistency so that I can continue to nourish healthy habits and live a fitter life.

Example: I joined WOW because it will help me to get stronger so that I can feel better and have more energy in my everyday life.


I don’t know your WHY… only you do.

But I DO know that for some of you, self-sabotage, comparison and fear of failure will pop up like little pebbles in a shoe… not enough to stop you, but enough to slow you down and keep you from pushing ahead towards your full potential.

Give it a go… catch the words you use and ask yourself, are they words that help or hinder your growth.

How can this month and year be the start of something NEW?

Coach Lisa 💪❤


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