These 3 Things....
WOW is 3…
Every October, I’m reminded of when I launched this “passion project” without knowing if it would fly.
Would anyone sign up?
Would I be able to keep it running?
Would it last longer than just a few short months?
I had no idea.
That’s what happens when you do something you’ve never done before… you just don’t know!
So you take the plunge, put your head down, do the work and hope that things go as you planned.
So I…
Crossed my fingers.
Held my breath.
And dove right in.
Truth be told, WOW today is not the way it was planned out to be 3 years ago.
And that is actually OK!
It has changed, evolved and has grown into what I now firmly believe an online fitness community should be…
structured training programs (not a random workout library)
a community of diverse women (not a group of judgmental females)
an affordable budget-friendly space to get high quality fitness and nutrition support and accountability
Now I don’t want to gloat but I am super proud of how far WOW has come and how I’ve learned so much about coaching this group so far! Thanks to YOU!
Here are 3 things that I’ve learned on this journey so far….
Trying out something new will ALWAYS be scary! Whether that’s a new exercise, a heavier weight, or maybe signing up for a race or hiring a coach. The unknown is scary. Once we acknowledge that reality, we can step into the unknown… albeit with a shaky first step ;)
What have you tried in your life or fitness journey that was “scary”?
You’ll wanna quit along the way! We all have those moments of wanting to give up either because we don’t feel adequate enough or because our timeline of “success” doesn’t seem to match up with reality. Not “seeing” results, wondering if our efforts are actually paying off and feeling overwhelmed… these are the small pebbles along the journey that are in fact stepping stones leading us towards success… NOT failure.
Have you ever wanted to quit something but held on instead? Me? Yup, just last week during my 10km race at kilometer 8 where I just wanted to stop but thankfully didn’t. It made the finish line that much sweeter.
Everything changes! Our fitness journey, our lives, our bodies… nothing remains the same. Ever. In fact, change itself is the only constant. Embracing that change is where things aren’t always easy. WOW started with “micro-workouts” and has now evolved into training programs built within meso-cycles. It’s quite a different approach but one that I felt driven to make as a coach for women who need to get stronger. My current beliefs as a coach have shifted and so they should.
How have you changed over the last few years? Growth isn’t always easy but necessary nonetheless.
I don’t know what the future holds for WOW…though I wish I did sometimes!
But I do know that it will continue to grow because it’s built on passion and purpose for women like you and me!
So, I just wanted to say thank YOU for being here and being a part of this incredible journey.
I hope you have grown as well and will continue to evolve in fitness and in life!
To your health,
Coach Lisa 💪❤