
WOW has reached its one year milestone…

And what a year it’s been!

When I first thought about building a community of women, I had no clue how to do it. I just remember thinking how cool it would be to coach women, to build their confidence in strength-training and to support their efforts to make fitness a consistent part of their life.

A lifestyle that I eat and breathe and KNOW helps me thrive in all areas of my life.

I just wanted to share.. plain and simple.

I had no idea if anyone would want to join me… so basically a stab into the unknown.

Definitely not a place that many of us like to travel.

Fear of failure. Fear of looking foolish. Fear of extra work!

All of these would swarm around in my head leading up to October 2020 when I finally launched WOW into the already saturated online fitness space.

There were times I thought maybe I shouldn’t have taken this leap into cyberspace. That maybe I was diving into waters that I had no business to swim in.


I received emails from members telling me how much they enjoyed the quick bites of fitness that finally kept them consistent.

I read posts on Facebook where one woman was cheering on another… meanwhile they had never met.

I witnessed the amazing momentum that was built when I’d set up a monthly challenge.

I realized that this small group was creating an impact and I was so privileged to be part of it!

After a full year of growth… from newborn to now, I’ve learned so much.

And so I wanted to share with each one of you!

Just a few lessons about life and this fitness journey we’re all on.

  1. Trust the freaking process! I can’t tell you how often I’ve said this to myself over the past year. Just like I’ve told clients over and over, I too needed this reminder. You don’t know the seeds your planting and if they’ll yield harvest… but in time, you will. A dose of patience with a dash of trust in the process is the only way to go!

  2. Progress is slow… often slower than you think. Sure, I’d love to say that WOW has grown to over a thousand members in one year, but that’s unrealistic. Expectation management and the realization that things take time and progress happens slowly has kept me grounded… happy where I am while always striving for more!

  3. Mindset is EVERYTHING. No really… it’s everything. If you think you can’t, you won’t. Period. That’s in business, fitness goals, fat loss objectives.. everything. Without the right mindset, we will never accomplish what we absolutely can. Bottom line, believe in yourself. It’s the most powerful game changer that can steer your course towards success (wtv that means to you)

  4. We’re not meant to do this alone. Community matters. You matter. The connection you make with others matters. Whether in fitness, business, or life, travelling with others makes the above 3 lessons easier to bear and more enjoyable too!

Final Thoughts…

Do I know where WOW will be in a year from now? Nope!

But I’m gonna keep on planting the seeds of growth, fertilizing the soil so it can continue to flourish while I trust the process.

You keep me inspired to do so… and so THANK YOU for being more than a member but rather the fuel that keeps my flame shining bright!


Coach Lisa ❤💪


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