Climbing out of a Workout Rut...
I haven’t trained in 3 consecutive days.
Allow me to explain…
I have a pretty consistent schedule when it comes to exercise. And truth be told I usually feel motivated to train my body and chase those post-workout feels. But somehow, and I’m not quite sure why, I haven’t felt like heading into my basement gym and lift weights.
Zilch motivation.
No desire.
Not down to going downstairs and doing the work.
I wish I could say it’s because of my period ( though that doesn’t usually stop me) or that I didn’t have time (nope, I can definitely squeeze in a 30min sesh) or that I’m not feeling well so I’m listening to my body (not true, not sick) or it’s Covid fatigue ( hmm …now that’s a possibility!)
But I legit have NO reason or excuse to offer.
You feel me?
Has it ever happened to you? You skip a day, then that becomes two, to slowly unfold into three? Suddenly a week has past and your goal to exercise regularly is a distant memory.
That be me right now. I’d much rather write this blog than workout.
So yes, even a coach like me with over 20 years of fitness sweat under my belt has had a case of the “ ahh screw it, I’ll do it tomorrow-itis”
So if you get me and wanna know what I do to crawl my way out of this potentially downward spiral, here are the very simple things I will do so I can get my momentum back up and running.
I’m gonna lay out my fitness gear tonight. It’s my non-negotiable plan of action. Seeing my gear laid out usually does the trick for me. It’s that gentle visual reminder that whispers my intention from the night before. And it usually works.
I’ll plan out the workout I’ll be doing tonight. No random “what do I feel like doing” moment of hesitation tomorrow. Instead, I know I’ll be training my glutes and hamstrings and actually review some exercises I plan to do! Visualization before Action is key!
I’ll hit the sack early tonight. Well, for those who know me well, that’s pretty much my mantra every night (lol) but tonight I’ll be sure to get my zz’s. The last thing I need in the morning is to feel fatigue which might hand me that one small excuse to tip the scales back to inaction. No bueno.
I’m telling you! This holds me accountable, keeping me honest about what I plan to do and my desire to follow through! And of course, you can, in turn ask me if I did it… which I hope to answer “yes!” with confidence :)
Here’s the thing… if we wait for motivation, we’ll honestly wait forever. Or at the very least, sit on it for a few days doing nothing.
But if we plan small action steps, this will create and build momentum. That’s where motivation will then appear. It never strikes before our action but instead shows up because of the action we choose to take.
So that’s my plan to get back at it tomorrow.
Simple snippets that I know will work for me as they so often have in the past.
How about you?
What tips do you have that keep you working out consistently?
I’d love to hear!
Coach Lisa